by Vasileios Kalyvis, PhD. 06/06/2023 • 9' readQualitative vs Quantitative research: An inexplicable eternal misunderstanding in UX and not only!Read more
by Dr. Panagiotis Zaharias 22/02/2023 • 7' readUsability Testing with users with disabilities Read more
by Vasileios Kalyvis, PhD. 31/08/2022 • 8' read5 or more participants when doing user interviews? Keep calm and look for theoretical saturationRead more
by Vasileios Kalyvis, PhD. 15/11/2021 • 11' readConfessions of an interviewer: Why user / customer interviews are not that easyRead more
by Dr. Panagiotis Zaharias 10/10/2021 • 10' readSome thoughts on breaking into UX Research fieldRead more
by Antonis Birmpas08/03/2021 • 10' readHow you ride matters more than what you ride: a petrolhead's perspective on designRead more
by Vasileios Kalyvis, PhD.12/02/2021 • 5' readAffinity diagramming as a method for Qualitative data analysis? Not exactly. Read more
by David Dokic24/04/2020 • 9' readStep up your UX Research skills: Lessons from AnthropologyRead more
by Dr. Panagiotis Zaharias 20/09/2019 • 6' readFrom Usability to UX: A shift to hedonic aspects of interaction (part two)Read more
by Dr. Panagiotis Zaharias27/08/2019 • 8' readFrom Usability to UX: A shift to hedonic aspects of interaction (part one)Read more